Beenote: in summary

Beenote is a governance meeting management solution for your board, committees and teams. Beenote is an easy to use, accessible and efficient tool.

About Beenote

Beenote is a Canadian startup that offers a product to organization who want to effectively improve their meeting management, in either French or English.

What distinguishes Beenote?

From the beginning to the end in the meeting process, Beenote helps to organize effective meetings by planning (collaborative meeting agenda), holding (real-time note taking, time keeper) and tracking (minutes, tasks and decisions).

All the benefits of Beenote

Quickly plan and email the agenda to ensure everyone is prepared. Use customizable and structured agenda templates or the quick meeting mode. Record all or part of your conversations. 

You can take notes in real-time for everyone to see or simply take your notes during the meeting. Activate the secretary mode for private note-taking, a complete and useful feature for board meetings.

Your entire governance process is centralized with a register of decisions or resolutions and votes.

You can also track the progress of the team and personal tasks. Integration with your corporate calendar with Microsoft Office 365 or Google Calendar also simplifies schedule management. Beenote is easily integrated with Teams for your remote meetings.

You can automatically generate the meeting minutes and share them by email with teammates or board members, saving you a lot of time.

Beenote is an easy-to-use and collaborative tool that makes your meetings more efficient and structured. Available in 3 versions: Beefree, the free version for all time, Beenote basic version for teams, and Beeboard for boards and committees even more complete.

Its benefits

Collaborative Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Tasks and Decisions Follow-up

Complete functions for C.A.

Beenote - Folders-Library-Register-Teams-With-Beenote
Beenote - Folders-Library-Register-Teams-With-Beenote
Beenote - Folders-Library-Register-Teams-With-Beenote
Beenote - Meeting-notes-tasks-with-Beenote
Beenote - Meeting-resolution-with-Beenote
Beenote - New-meeting-Beenote-My-Beespace
Beenote - Writte-an-agenda-with-Beenote

Beenote: its rates

/month /user
On demand

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