Mapp Acquire: in summary

Mapp Digital provides marketing departments with a solution that allows them to acquire and retain their target audiences more quickly and efficiently.

Mapp Acquire

Mapp Acquire allows you to collect anonymous audiences on your 1st party websites but also on partner sites, to better understand the needs of your visitors and then to more effectively customize the content and offers you offer them on multiple channels ( display, email, SMS, mobile app, social media).

Mapp Acquire, based on better knowledge of your targets, will also optimize your display campaigns by preparing audience segments that will be pushed through DSPs on advertising targeting channels like Facebook Ad, Google Adwords, display banners ...

  • Very fast implementation in a few hours
  • Quick handling of the solution by business profiles
  • The solution comes natively with a large number of connectors with market solutions  (data providers, ad server, DSP, marketing automation solutions other than Mapp, ....)
  • An affordable cost of use and set-up for mid-range companies

Its benefits

User friendly UI (business rules driven)

Business rules easy to implement by non-IT personas

Does not require a tagging plan. Faster data collection

Certifications:ISO 27001, ISO 27018, GDPR

Mapp Acquire - Audience segments visualization Mapp Acquire
Mapp Acquire - Audience segments visualization Mapp Acquire
Mapp Acquire - Audience segments visualization Mapp Acquire
Mapp Acquire - Selection of hearings with Mapp Acquire
Mapp Acquire - Inserting the collection pixel Mapp Acquire

Mapp Acquire: its rates

On demand

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