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Meltwater report: nearly one in two brands plan to integrate TikTok into their strategy in 2022

Meltwater report: nearly one in two brands plan to integrate TikTok into their strategy in 2022

By Nguyen Oanh

Published: December 23, 2021

The Meltwater platform, a leader in monitoring, influencer marketing, and social media management, has published its new report on the evolution of social media in 2022.

To draw up this inventory, Meltwater conducted a survey among 3,000 marketing and communication experts around the world (B2B, B2C, and NGOs). It brings together in its complete study the issues and challenges that await communication and social media professionals, regardless of their sector of activity.

Social media usage growing, TikTok leading the way

It is no longer a secret that social media now takes a central place in brand communication strategies. And on the front of the stage, the video format becomes essential in 2022.

Among the social media channels most used by European and American organizations, the 6 giants Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok win hands down.

In France (36%) and worldwide (40%), TikTok experienced the fastest growth in 2021. Moreover, nearly one in two brands in B2C (47%) say they plan to integrate TikTok into its strategy in 2022. For B2B organizations, the enthusiasm is more muted, with 27% of companies saying they want to use this channel.

The affirmed (and confirmed) place of social media in the marketing mix

The report shows that social media is asserting itself in the marketing mixes and communication of organizations. It sheds light on the increased role of paid and organic social media in 2022 and the fact that the pandemic has largely contributed to this strong trend.

57% of respondents say that social media has taken on greater importance since Covid-19.

Other trends and topics explored by the report include the role of influencer marketing, social selling, and employee advocacy in brand strategies in 2022, and the objectives of these strategies.

Finally, we discover that 26% of the total budget allocated to marketing is invested in social networks.

Something to put your own social media strategy into perspective, according to the practices of your sector of activity!

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