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10 Steps to Revolutionize your Company with a Working Management System

10 Steps to Revolutionize your Company with a Working Management System

By Luc Powell

Published: June 26, 2024

The world moves fast - it’s crucial that you stay organized and maintain efficiency to ensure your company succeeds.

Implementing a Working Management System (WMS) can be a game-changer, providing the tools and processes needed to streamline and manage workflows effectively. Ever thought about it?

We are going to give you a definition and component examples of a WMS and show you how to set up a WMS and how it can streamline daily tasks. And keep reading as we address frequently asked questions at the end of the article: you now have a comprehensive understanding of working management systems. 🙌

What Is a Work Management System?

A work management system (WMS) is a comprehensive set of tools and processes designed to streamline and manage the workflows of an organization. It enables teams to plan, execute, and monitor tasks and projects, ensuring that resources are utilized efficiently, deadlines are met, and goals are achieved.

Unlike traditional project management tools that focus primarily on managing individual projects, a WMS covers a broader range of activities, including:

  • daily tasks
  • routine operations
  • strategic initiatives

This approach ensures that all aspects of work within a company are effectively managed. 💪

How Can a Work Management Platform Help You Streamline Your Daily Tasks? 6 Benefits

Improved Task Management

Your working management platform ensures that everyone knows:

  • what needs to be done
  • by whom
  • by when
  • by providing a centralized platform for task creation, assignment, and tracking

This reduces confusion and helps maintain focus.

☝️ For example, your WMS can allow team members to create detailed task lists, set priorities, and track progress in real-time, ensuring that nothing falls through the cracks.

Enhanced Collaboration

You can facilitate communication and information sharing among team members with Collaboration tools. They present features such as:

  • chat
  • file sharing
  • discussion forums

All of these ensure that everyone stays on the same page, regardless of their location. ✅

Better Resource Allocation

A working management platform can help you by optimally allocating resources by providing visibility into the availability and workload of team members. This ensures that resources are used efficiently and prevents burnout.

For example: it provides you detailed insights into resource utilization, helping managers allocate tasks more effectively and avoid overallocation.

Better Time Management

With built-in scheduling and deadline tracking, a working management platform helps teams stay on track. Automated reminders and notifications ensure that important tasks and milestones are not overlooked.

Performance Tracking and Reporting

Reporting and analytics tools provide insights into team performance and project progress.

This data helps managers make informed decisions and identify areas for improvement.

Integration and Automation

By integrating with other tools and automating repetitive tasks, a working management platform reduces manual effort and streamlines workflows. This integration creates a seamless work environment, improving overall efficiency.

Is a Work Management System the Same as a Project Management System?

While a Working Management System (WMS) and a Project Management System (PMS) might seem similar, they serve distinct purposes.

1️⃣ A Project Management System focuses specifically on managing:

  • individual projects
  • providing tools for planning
  • resource allocation
  • task assignments
  • progress tracking

2️⃣ A working management system encompasses these functions and extends beyond project management to include all aspects of work within a company. This includes:

  • routine tasks
  • long-term goals
  • administrative activities such as (example)

Essentially, a working management system offers a more integrated and comprehensive approach to managing work, ensuring that all business activities are aligned and efficiently executed. 🎯

10 Steps to Set up a Working Management System

Step 1: Define Your Objectives

You must start by clearly defining what you hope to achieve with the work management system. Your objectives might include:

  • improving efficiency
  • enhancing collaboration
  • better tracking of tasks
  • optimizing resource allocation

What you can do to make sure you succeed here is:

  • Conduct meetings with key stakeholders to understand the current challenges and inefficiencies in your workflow.
  • Define clear, measurable goals such as
    • reducing project completion time by 20%
    • improving on-time delivery rates
    • or enhancing team collaboration
  • Ensure that your working management system objectives align with the overall strategic goals of the organization.

For example: If the primary goal is to improve project delivery timelines, your working management system should focus on robust project planning and tracking features.

Step 2: Assess Your Needs

You have to evaluate your organization's specific needs, including the size of your team, the nature of your work, existing processes, and the tools you currently use.

  • You can conduct a work processes analysis by documenting existing workflows, identifying key processes and any bottlenecks or inefficiencies.
  • Make sure you gather input from employees about their needs and preferences regarding work management tools.
  • Compare your needs with industry standards and best practices in order to identify potential areas for improvement.

Example: A large company with multiple departments may need a scalable system with comprehensive resource management features, while a small startup might prioritize ease of use and flexibility.

Step 3: Choose the Right System

Based on your objectives and needs assessment, select a working management system that offers the required features.

☝️Do some research and compare different systems to find one that aligns with your organizational needs. In order to succeed:

  • List the essential features and functionalities needed in the work management system.
  • Explore various work management system options through demos, reviews, and case studies.
  • Assess different providers based on factors such as feature set, user interface, scalability, integration capabilities, and cost.

Step 4: Customize the System

Tailor the chosen system to fit your work processes. Set up task categories, create templates for recurring tasks, and configure user roles and permissions to match your organizational structure.

Some practices you should consider are:

  • Map your existing work processes to the work management system, adjust it to your needs to optimize efficiency.
  • Develop templates for common tasks and projects to standardize processes.
  • Define user roles and permissions to ensure appropriate access control and security.

Step 5: Train Your Team

Ensure that all team members are well-versed in using the new system. Provide comprehensive training sessions, create user guides, and offer ongoing support to facilitate a smooth transition.

Detailed actions can include:

  • Create detailed user manuals, video tutorials, and quick reference guides.
  • Organize workshops, webinars, and hands-on training sessions to teach team members how to use the system.
  • Provide ongoing support through help desks, FAQs, and regular refresher courses.

Example: Conduct workshops and webinars to train team members on using the new system, and provide them with user manuals and video tutorials.

Step 6: Integrate with Other Tools

Integrate the WMS with other tools your organization uses, such as email, calendars, CRM systems, and file storage solutions. This integration will streamline workflows and reduce duplication of effort.

Some practices for you to put into place may include:

  • Determine which existing tools need to be integrated with the WMS.
  • Use available APIs to connect the WMS with other systems, ensuring data synchronization.
  • Set up automation rules to streamline repetitive tasks and improve efficiency.

Step 7: Implement in Phases

To set up this phase, roll out the system gradually, starting with a pilot phase to identify any issues or areas for improvement. This approach allows you to test the system in a controlled environment and make necessary adjustments before a full rollout. 🎯

To make sure your phases go according to plan, make sure to:

  • Choose a small, representative group of users to test the system.
  • Closely monitor the system's performance during the pilot phase, gathering feedback from users.
  • Make necessary adjustments based on feedback and identified issues before rolling out the system organization-wide.

For instance: Begin by implementing the WMS in one department, gather feedback, and refine the setup before expanding to the entire organization.

Step 8: Monitor and Gather Feedback

After implementing monitoring tools and software, make sure to closely monitor how the system is being used and gather feedback from your team. This feedback is crucial for identifying any issues or areas that need improvement.

☝️Here are a few things you must keep in mind and apply to your working management system:

  • Regularly survey users to gather their opinions and suggestions.
  • Schedule periodic review meetings to discuss the system's performance and gather feedback.
  • Use the working management system's built-in analytics tools to monitor usage patterns and identify potential areas for improvement.

For example: Use surveys, interviews, and regular check-ins to collect feedback from users about their experience with the work management systems.

Step 9: Evaluate Performance

Regularly evaluate the performance of your work management system against your initial objectives. Use the system's reporting and analytics tools to assess its impact and identify opportunities for further improvement.

💡Here are tips you can put into place to evaluate your work management system’s performances:

  • Establish criteria for evaluating the system's performance, such as user satisfaction, task completion rates, and efficiency improvements.
  • Use the working management system's reporting tools to analyze performance data and identify trends.
  • Share findings with stakeholders and discuss potential improvements.

For example: Analyze data on project completion rates, task efficiency, and resource utilization to measure the effectiveness of the work management system.

Step 10: Continuous Improvement

Continuously improve the working management system based on feedback and performance evaluations. Regularly update the system, introduce new features, and refine workflows to ensure it continues to meet your organization's needs.

👉Don’t forget to :

  • Conduct regular system reviews to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for improvement.
  • Keep the system updated with the latest features and improvements.
  • Foster a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging employees to suggest new ideas and enhancements.

For instance: Incorporate new integrations, update processes based on user feedback, and stay current with working management system updates and new features to keep the system effective.

How can a work management platform help you streamline your daily tasks?

7 core features to assist your work

Centralized Dashboard

A centralized dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of all ongoing tasks, projects, and deadlines.

👉It allows team members to see their assignments, track progress, and stay updated on important milestones, ensuring everyone is aligned and informed.

Task Prioritization and Assignment

This feature allows for the prioritization of tasks based on their urgency and importance.

Managers can assign tasks to team members, set due dates, and establish priorities, helping to ensure that critical work is completed first and resources are allocated effectively.

Real-Time Collaboration

Real-time collaboration enables team members to work together on documents, share feedback instantly, and communicate through integrated chat or video conferencing.

👉This fosters a more interactive and cohesive working environment, especially for remote teams.

Document Management

A robust document management system helps organize and store all project-related documents in one place.

Features such as version control, access permissions, and easy retrieval ensure that all team members have access to the latest information and can collaborate effectively.

Time and Resource Tracking

Accurate time and resource tracking features help monitor the time spent on tasks and the utilization of resources.

This aids in:

  • identifying inefficiencies
  • optimizing workflows
  • and ensuring that projects stay within budget and on schedule

Workflow Automation

Workflow automation reduces manual effort by automating routine processes such as approvals, notifications, and task assignments.

This ensures that tasks move smoothly through different stages without delays, improving overall productivity.

Customizable Reporting

Customizable reporting tools allow users to generate reports tailored to their specific needs. Whether it's tracking project progress, team performance, or resource allocation, these reports provide valuable insights that help in making informed decisions and improving future planning. ✅

What Work Management System Should You Use?

Choosing the right working management system can be daunting given the plethora of options available.

After you’ve clearly defined your objectives and your needs for your work management system, It’s important you prioritize the following factors to ensure you succeed in setting it up.

Prioritize User Experience and Ease of Use

User experience and ease of use are critical factors in the successful adoption of a work management platform.

💡Choose a platform with an intuitive interface that your team can quickly learn and navigate. The platform should have:

  • a minimal learning curve
  • comprehensive support resources
  • include tutorials
  • documentation
  • responsive customer service

A user-friendly platform ensures that your team can focus on their work without struggling with the tools.

Assess Scalability and Customization

It’s important to assess the scalability and customization options of a work management platform. Ensure the platform can handle your growing number of projects and users as your organization expands.

💡Customization capabilities allow the platform to adapt to your unique business processes in many different ways:

  • tailored workflows
  • personalized dashboards
  • adjustable reports which allow the platform to adapt to your unique business processes

This flexibility ensures that the platform remains useful and efficient as your needs evolve over time.

Check Pricing and Value for Money

When considering pricing and value for money, compare the pricing models of different platforms to ensure they fit within your budget.

💡Look at the features included at various price points and consider the total cost of ownership, which may include:

  • training
  • integration
  • support costs

Take advantage of free trials or demos to test the platform's functionality and effectiveness.

This approach helps ensure you get the best value for your investment, balancing cost with the features and benefits the platform offers.

FAQ on Working Management Systems

Are Work Management Systems Fit for Remote Teams?

Absolutely. In fact, working management systems are particularly beneficial for remote teams. They provide a centralized platform where all team members can access information, communicate, and collaborate effectively, regardless of their physical location.

Tools like video conferencing, instant messaging, and shared calendars make remote work more manageable and productive.

Can Work Management Systems Be Personalized for Specific Needs?

Yes, most work management systems offer a high degree of customization. Companies can tailor the system to fit their specific needs, create custom templates, and set user permissions based on roles and responsibilities.

This flexibility ensures that the system meets the unique needs of each organization.

What Are the Cost Implications of Implementing a WMS?

The cost of a work management system can vary widely depending on the features and scale required. Some systems offer free versions with basic features, while others require subscription fees based on the number of users and advanced functionalities. It's important to assess your needs and budget before making a decision.

How Secure Are Work Management Systems?

Security is a critical aspect of any work management system. Reputable providers implement robust security measures, including data encryption, secure access controls, and regular security audits. It's essential to choose a system that complies with industry standards and regulations to ensure the protection of your data.

Can a WMS Improve Employee Satisfaction?

Yes, a well-implemented work management platform can enhance employee satisfaction by reducing the chaos and stress associated with managing tasks and projects. It provides clear expectations, improves communication, and enables better workload management, contributing to a more organized and less stressful work environment.

How Would a Working Management System Be Beneficial for You?

Implementing a working management system can transform the way your organization operates, enhancing efficiency, collaboration, and overall productivity. By understanding the components of a WMS, differentiating it from project management systems, and following a structured approach to implementation, organizations can reap significant benefits.

Whether you're managing a small team or a large enterprise, selecting the right work management system and customizing it to your needs can streamline daily tasks, improve resource allocation, and ultimately drive success.

Investing in a working management platform is an investment in your organization's future. It not only helps in managing current workloads more effectively but also prepares your team to handle future challenges with greater agility and confidence.

As work environments continue to evolve, having a robust and flexible management system in place will be key to staying competitive and achieving long-term goals. By leveraging the right WMS, organizations can create a more organized, efficient, and productive work environment, leading to improved outcomes and sustained success.