The 6 stages of the Qualiopi audit, the key to excellence!

Are you a training provider seeking access to public funds? If so, there's no escaping the Qualiopi audit, which is a prerequisite for obtaining the famous Qualiopi certification.
But it's a daunting task, especially if you're not familiar with it. One of the best ways to prepare? Know exactly what's involved.
That's what this article is all about, plus a few valuable tips to help you prepare.
What is a Qualiopi audit?
Since January 1, 2022, it has been mandatory for all providers of skills development programs to obtain Qualiopi certification, if they wish to benefit from public and mutualized funds. This obligation concerns various types of action:
- training,
- apprenticeships
- skills assessment
- validation of acquired experience.
But to obtain the precious sesame, you need to pass the audit test ✅.
This audit, carried out by a certification body accredited or authorized by Cofrac (Comité français d'accréditation) :
- involves examining a range of documents and evidence;
- with the aim of checking that all Qualiopi indicators are met, in line with the Référentiel National de Qualité (RNQ).
💡 Please note: there are two types of Qualiopi audit:
- the initial Qualiopi audit, essential to receive the certificate ;
- the Qualiopi surveillance audit, taking place between the 14th and 22nd month following, and designed to ensure continued compliance.
How does the initial Qualiopi audit work? The 6 stages
Stage 1: Preparing the file and scheduling the audit
First and foremost, as a training provider, you need to select your auditor from among the Cofrac-accredited organizations, then agree with him or her on the date of the audit.
While you're waiting for the big day, it's important to be as well-prepared as possible, and to gather all the evidence your assessor needs to certify your compliance with the National Quality Standards.
You should also be aware that the auditor often prefers to receive certain documents in advance of the meeting. In this way, they have a better idea of who they'll be dealing with. These generally include items such as :
- proof of the legal existence of the professional's business,
- a description of the training provided,
- the latest pedagogical and financial report or other accounting document.
💵 B y the way, how much does a Qualiopi audit cost?
The bad news is that you'll have to reach for your wallet!
Prices vary according to a number of factors, including the size of the training organization, its complexity and, above all, the duration of the audit. By way of illustration, initial audits cost around 1,000 euros, and surveillance audits around 500 euros.
Stage 2: The opening meeting
The audit day begins with an opening meeting between all stakeholders, designed to remind them of the issues at stake and explain the methodology involved.
It also provides an opportunity to clarify any concerns you may have about the audit. Yes, it's best to establish a climate of trust between the auditor and the auditee, despite the formal context.
Step 3: Document review
This is followed by a review of the documentation provided by the training provider.
To do this, the auditor samples the file(s) provided, then uses this evidence to check that the processes correspond to the quality criteria of the national reference framework. In other words, the aim is to ensure that you offer the expected level for each Qualiopi indicator.
💡 Good to know: as a reminder, Qualiopi certification is based on criteria, describing the general requirements of the RNQ, as well as indicators that specify the concrete, measurable elements needed to assess compliance. These criteria and indicators cover aspects such as training engineering, teaching resources, teaching quality, trainee satisfaction, etc.
Stage 4: Interviews and observations
Qualiopi audits also include interviews between training providers and the examiner.
However, in order to gain a more objective overview, the auditor may need to :
- conduct interviews with other staff members, such as trainers or the administrative team;
- observe training sessions in action to assess pedagogical quality as well as the application of procedures.
💡 Please note: for each document or item observed, the auditor specifies whether it is:
- compliant,
- strong point,
- compliant point to be monitored,
- non-conforming (major or minor).
Stage 5: The closing meeting
Once all the documents have been studied and discussed, the auditor draws up his or her Qualiopi audit grid , summarizing his or her conclusions.
The day ends with a closing meeting, at which the auditor shares the results with you. The auditor also explains the procedures and steps to be followed to correct any points of non-conformity.
Stage 6: Dealing with non-conformities
Non-conformities identified during the initial audit? You then have 3 to 6 months, depending on their nature, to implement the necessary corrective actions and provide the auditor with proof of these improvements.
And if all goes well, hooray! You finally receive the long-awaited certification 🥳!
How does the Qualiopi surveillance audit work?
You've been awarded Qualiopi? Congratulations, but... you haven't heard the last of this audit!
And with good reason: you need to schedule a surveillance audit, between the 14th and 22nd month following, to keep your certificate.
Often carried out remotely, the purpose of the audit is to verify that the training provider continues to respect the criteria of the National Quality Standards and maintains its commitments.
It therefore focuses on :
- changes. Any changes or new elements (in the nature of the activities carried out, for example) not previously audited must be reported;
- review of corrective actions. This is why the auditor pays particular attention to previous points of non-compliance. This also sometimes involves carrying out certain checks following complaints received by Certifopac, or checking the correct use of the Qualiopi logo on the provider's various communication media.
💡 Please note: the Qualiopi cycle does not end here! In fact, certification is not definitive, and it is imperative to carry out a Qualiopi renewal audit after 3 years, itself followed by a surveillance audit, and so on... 😵💫
How to prepare for a Qualiopi audit?
One of the best ways to succeed in your Qualiopi audit? Prepare yourself properly.
First of all, you need to fully understand what the criteria of the Référentiel National Qualité and the indicators specific to your field of activity entail. We recommend that you refer to the Guide de lecture du Référentiel National Qualité made available by the French Government, which provides a few details on audit procedures.
We also recommend that you rigorously collect all relevant documents: procedures, teaching aids, trainee satisfaction assessments, etc.
Finally, make sure the whole organization is informed as to the forthcoming audit, and brief staff on quality requirements if necessary.
💡 A nd don't forget: you can also call on the help of specialists! One example is e-parcours, a software package developed by Axess to assist training organizations in the day-to-day management of their activities (training catalog, financial, administrative and sales management, etc.). The solution meets the 7 criteria and 32 indicators set up to help you in your Qualiopi approach. Axess is also able, via a dedicated offer, to support you in obtaining and maintaining certification (analysis of your processes, corrective action plan, etc.).
The Qualiopi audit in a nutshell!
On paper, the Qualiopi audit can be quite frightening. And with good reason: your methods and processes are scrutinized in minute detail 😱 ! More precisely, during this day, the auditor observes your documents and exchanges with the various stakeholders, so as to detect potential points of non-compliance with the National Quality Standard. It's then up to you to take the necessary corrective action.
But with the right preparation, and even the support of a specialized service provider, the Qualiopi audit becomes child's play. And it's best to take the necessary steps to master this exercise, as it will be repeated with surveillance and renewal audits 😉.
Article translated from French