Capterra: in summary

Capterra is a software directory whose objective is to capture a maximum of users and redirect them to the listed software vendors.

What Capterra brings to the table

Capterra has a very large number of references which allows companies to search and compare software in order to select the best according to their criteria.

The platform allows software publishers to benefit from a complementary source of traffic acquisition in addition to other digital levers. Capterra redirects traffic from software reviews and comparisons to vendor websites.

The characteristics of Capterra

Capterra is the oldest software directory which allows it to benefit from a higher authority than other comparison tools on the internet.

The platform is well-developed on the American market and is translated for European countries. However, its catalog mainly consists of American references.

It is an interesting model for European software vendors with sizable marketing budgets wishing to target the American market. On the other hand, for publishers who are not the leader in their market, it is more difficult to find a place alongside giants with colossal marketing budgets.

The software comparison tool’s interface is based on the technical functionalities of the solutions, meaning searching for software can be complex for the users without specific requirements.

Capterra VS Appvizer

Appvizer is the #1 media in Europe that digitalizes companies. With a focus on its users’ needs, the platform supports them in the best possible way possible throughout their software research marketing funnel.

This approach allows Appvizer to be more than a lever of traffic acquisition and to offer 360° marketing solutions based on AI technology to software vendors.

Vendors listed on Appvizer can gather reviews and be present in the platform while staying in control of their product page for free.

Like Capterra, Appvizer is multilocal and multilingual: the platform is present on the American, British, French, Spanish, Italian and German markets.

Something to keep in mind: the catalogs of the various Appvizer domains are specific and localized, the solutions available depend on the specific norms, technological expectations and needs of users in the country in question.

Its benefits

Largest traffic worldwide

Number of reviews

US catalog

Its disadvantages

Reliability of the reviews

Visibility of non-leading software

Complex user interface

Capterra: its rates

On demand

Clients alternatives to Capterra

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