Shippeo: in summary

What is Shippeo ?

Shippeo works with transport companies. Its objective is to collect and share delivery information with customers. The algorithms use AI to detect in real time the evolution of deliveries and provide information to customers such as order status, and time of arrival.

What are Shippeo's functionalities ?

Shippeo allows companies to access predictive and real-time delivery information. Thus the application allows:

  • A secure data collection: the platform aggregates data from different sources and then sends it back to the customers (connection between the customer's onboard IT suppliers and the companies' TMS).
  • The identification of delivery issues in order to better adapt to them.
    Sharing information with customers in real time on deliveries, which ultimately improves customer satisfaction.
  • Improving transport operations thanks to the data collected.


  • access to delivery information at any time
  • AI at the service of the logistics industry
  • consumer satisfaction
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Shippeo: its rates

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